Aquatic Pet Surrender Program (APSP)
What is this program?
It's not uncommon for someone to get an aquatic pet and, down the road, find out they can no longer care for your pet for one reason or another. What is the aquatic pet owner to do at that point? The aquatic pet owner typically does one of three things:
- Find your aquatic pet a new home
- Release the Aquatic Pet into the wild
- Kill the aquatic pet
The Aquatic Pet Surrender Program is designed to make option number one, rehoming your aquatic pet, much easier and prevent aquatic pets from being killed or released into the wild.
We don't pass judgment when taking in surrendered aquatic pets. We all have things happen we aren't prepared for or don't expect. We are here to help extend aquatic pets' lives and protect our aquatic ecosystems.
How does this work?
We cannot house all the aquatic pets at one location, and one person cannot manage the whole thing alone. So, we have developed a network of aquatic pet owners across Maryland and other states who want to help with this cause. When you submit information about an aquatic pet you can no longer care for, we will post your pet on our site and make it available for others to adopt. If you need to surrender your pet immediately, we will contact one of the people in our foster network to arrange for your aquatic pet to be picked up. From this point on, our network of volunteers will either care for the aquatic pet themselves or we will help find the aquatic pet a new home.
How do I join the network of volunteers?
This project requires a special person to volunteer time, effort, and tank space. If you are interested, you can apply to the join foster network.
How do I surrender my aquatic pet?
When you decide you cannot care for your aquatic pet any longer and need to find a new home, submit information about your pet, and we will post it on our site for others to adopt.